Department of Oncology (Facility)

The department consists of 8 beds; 4 female and male beds each. A daily teaching round is conducted by Consultant Oncologist. Twice weekly - on Monday and Thursday - a joint clinical meeting with the Departments of Pulmonology/ICU and Dermatology is held in Med Ward 3 .Case presentations and seminars are made in turn by these respective departments. Grand rounds are also presented by the Department of Oncology in their turn.

Emergency Cover:

The Department of Oncology offers around the clock cover to the Emergency Department and is the only dedicated Oncology service in the city to attend acute cancer patients. A resident is on call in the ward at all times.

Duties & Responsibilities: These are as follows:

Professor & Head of Department:

Supervising and ensuring smooth day to day running of the department of Oncology. Training of postgraduate residents, house officers, and nurses. Supervising and conducting the academic activities of the department and ensuring the proper training of the PGs and HOs.

Medical Officers/PG Residents:

These are residential duties in which the MOs and PGRs rotate between the ward, OPD, and EAC. They manage the patients, administer or supervise the administration of chemotherapy, and attend calls.

House Officers:

These are residential duties in which they are responsible for the clerking and investigating admitted patients. Other responsibilities include transfusing blood and blood components, and administering chemotherapy.


The Department of Oncology has two nurses who rotate through the normal shifts. There responsibilities primarily consist of attend and facilitating patients referred to the Chemotherapy bay from the OPD. They play a vital and integral role in looking after cancer patients admitted in the ward; liaisoning with the family and attendants, arranging medicines, and assisting the doctors.

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